With another interview going live today, I thought I’d take
the opportunity to consolidate the links to all the promotional stuff I’ve
being doing of late. If you’re looking for Lazarus Gate-related blogs,
interviews and essays, then here’s where to find them on the web:
Blogs & Interviews:
Interview with My Bookish Ways: http://www.mybookishways.com/2015/10/an-interview-with-mark-latham-author-of-the-lazarus-gate.html
Five Books that Inspired the Lazarus Gate: http://www.sfsignal.com/archives/2015/10/guest-post-mark-latham-shares-5-victorian-books-inspired-lazarus-gate/
Interview with Crime Thrilla Fella: https://crimethrillerfella.wordpress.com/2015/11/11/the-intel-mark-a-latham/
Villainous Visions – the inspiration behind the Artist: http://titanbooks.com/blog/villainous-visions-man-who-painted-future/
Roleplaying Games and the Narrative Arts: http://suvudu.com/2015/10/guest-essay-lazarus-gate-author-mark-a-latham-on-roleplaying-games-and-the-narrative-arts.html
And I’ve also been lucky enough to receive some really
lovely interviews. Check a few of them out: